æStranger Writings

Welcome to the æStranger Writes page.

Here all the writings done be æStranger are collected, stored, distributed and archived for your reading pleasure.

Beware though! There are no sacred topics nor are there necessarily recurring topics. All is free at the whim of æStranger…

So enjoy your time here and should you feel moved, then offering a little support is always welcomed.

These are a collection of short stories from the twisted realities of æStranger. Some are fun & light, others are dark & macabre, and a few may even make you consider your world differently.

Enter at your own risk!

A continuing series of short pieces that explore the views of æStranger and what the state of the world is now. 

Some may be funny, and some may be though provoking.

These are longer pieces, a majority will likely be topics on behavioural psychology and gamification, and others may dabble in wider realms of science, art and philosophy. 

In any case it will likely always be a surprise.

æStranger has written one or two books and/or compilations.

Should you find the content of the site interesting, then perhaps these collections will further that curiosity for you.

All proceeds go to keeping this website alive. 

Contact me

Do contact us at æStranger if you wish to explore any writing opportunities for your own business. Or if you wish to discuss collaborations and other ventures.

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