The Covid Counter Dodge Game

The game is designed to help you with social distancing and to keep your mind focused on the activity.

There is no fancy app to buy or download (yet). This is a very simple game, that should help you in keeping your distance from others and flatten out the curve so that the Covid-19 crisis can be dealt with.

Product Information

In the game pack you will receive our corporate Readme file and the Instructions PDF for how to play this easy and straightforward game about social distancing.

The game is aimed at all ages, but it must be played either alone in a group of maximum 2 people!

The game caters to anyone who needs to go outside for shopping, keeping healthy, either by walking, running or cycling. You are essentially tasked with keeping your distance and avoid others. The better you are at avoiding, the more points you score, the more points you score, the flatter the curve becomes for everyone!

At the moment it is a simple ‘pen & paper’ game. But if you find it a nice idea then please do consider offering a small donation.

Perhaps one day the game can be expanded upon to include even more elements and a useful free app to streamline the experience even more! 

Tons of players can't be wrong

Very easy to understand, everything was in the pack that you needed.


Incredibly easy to play game from æStranger! Worth more than just €0!


Really simple game! Helped me keep my distance from people.


Download your copy now!

What you get when you purchase:

  • 1 Zip file
  • 2 PDF files
  • All the content you need to play this very simple game yourself!

The Covid Counter Dodge Game

Normally €12.99

Now Completely free!

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