Press Start: Using Gamification to Power-up your Marketing


…And not just a computer game either – sports, board games, and even the playground games that we all played as children all hold the ability to enthrall us and draw us into the game itself. We forget our surroundings and troubles, we focus on the game’s objectives, and we enter a state of flow that otherwise eludes us in our day to day lives. We are motivated to play the game…

Now imagine if your customers and leads behaved in the same way when dealing with your business. If they focused and worked towards completing objectives that linked to not only the game’s goals but your goals too!

  • Samsung’s ‘Samsung Nation’ increased their customer review numbers by 500%
  • AutoDesk created a narrative tutorial and increased their product trial usage by 54%
  • Playboy created a community hub called ‘Miss Social’ that drove a 60% revenue increase

This is the goal of marketing gamification – to take the engaging parts of games and transplant them into your business and its processes – making them more engaging as a result. We want to show you how to do this for your business.

Press Start is NOW available @ Amazon, Bloomsbury and the Book Depository.

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When we looked at the current guidance on gamification, we found tonnes of material on gamification theory and examinations of well-established case studies focused on HR, learning and product development best practices. What we struggled to find though was a practical guide to implement all this theory, or any material focused solely on how to apply gamification to marketing – one of its most powerful applications!

This is why we decided to write this book: An actionable, non-jargon (we tried anyway) guide to boosting your marketing with one of the most powerful psychological models that can be applied to almost any business. This is a practical book for marketers and gamification professionals, written by a marketer and a gamification professional.

Click the buttons below to get a rundown of each section:

We start the book off by explaining what gamification is (and what it isn’t), its history, and why it’s important. If you’re new to gamification then this will be vital reading to understand the basic principles and terminology that we will be relying on throughout the book. If you’re an old hand at gamification, consider this good revision and an insight into our own perspectives on what gamification means to marketers.

Once we’ve agreed on what gamification is, the next section looks in-depth at why it works. We cover a lot of psychological theories here (and skip over even more entirely for the sake of brevity) to make sure that you understand the basics of why humans are motivated to act the way they do, and how individuals prioritise their motivations (both consciously and unconsciously). We aim to take you on a quick journey through human evolution and how it has shaped us into the irrational thinkers we are today.

Theory out of the way, this section starts to break down the different motivational factors that will influence your customers and how you can develop gamification solutions around them. Each chapter will examine one motivational lever (purpose, mastery, autonomy, etc), and discuss the various game techniques you can utilise to impact it. We also cover some of the weaknesses and traps that you can encounter when trying to implement game mechanics to each specific motivator.

Finally, we walk you step by step through building your own gamification solution. We guide you through setting goals, identifying gamification use cases, segmenting your customers/players, designing the gamification solution itself, and measuring the impacts of your solution. We also refresh your memory of some of the bigger problems you could encounter when implementing gamification and how you can hopefully avoid them.

Press Start is NOW available @ Amazon, Bloomsbury and the Book Depository.

Click the links below to order your copy today!


Daniel Griffin

Daniel Griffin is a UK-based marketing professional and writer. Dan has over ten years experience in digital and customer-led marketing, and has built a reputation for leading innovation and change in both B2B and B2C companies like Amazon, Ashridge/Hult Business School, and the numerous small businesses and charities he has consulted for over the years.

As an avid online gamer, Dan became interested in the way games to motivate us and has since combined this research with his own training in consumer psychology. He now wants to share his insights with others, particularly with small businesses that could thoughtfully apply gamification principles to build better, stronger relationships with their customers – and get an edge over their competition.

Albert van der Meer

Albert started, as a Creative Consultant, based in the Netherlands. His expertise lies specifically in narrative and visual entertainment/storytelling. With these skills and knowledge, he helps businesses, educational institutions, and other corporate environments to better improve team cooperation and develop deeper, more meaningful learning through the use of narrative and gameful design techniques.

Before starting aeStranger, Albert worked several years as a media producer, team-building facilitator and a freelance filmmaker in Europe and the UK. After a successful career helping business schools, businesses, upcoming and established, as well as music and film talents, Albert now aids and helps these various institutions and individuals with delivering better learning experiences for their teams and clients.

Press Start is NOW available @ Amazon, Bloomsbury and the Book Depository.

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