Crafting your audience journey

Your audience’s journey needs to be crafted to be fun & efficient, providing value so that they remain loyal and retention is for life.
Crafting Personas & FABELs from Scratch

In this piece we look at how to reframe persona creation into crafting FABELs for more effective applicability in targeting audiences.
How to engage with selling

This piece looks at how to change your perspectives on sales and marketing, thereby improving your chances and opinions on both.
Audience engagement and audience experience

In this piece, I explore what audience engagement and audience experience design is, and why it is important for your company to have.
A brief look at resource determination for gamified projects

In this piece we quickly look at what questions to ask to determine what resources are availablie to you for your gamified project.
Why your business needs to consider using gamification

In this piece we look at the reasons why gamification & gameful design are already some of the most engaging tools in business today.
What is Marketing Gamification exactly?

With the release of our marketing gamification book Press Start, we felt it might be useful for people to know what the book is about.