Effective Storytelling in 360 Video – Part 2: Set the scene in 360 degrees

The next area in our series on 360o video will be looking at how you set the scene for a world where the viewer can look in any direction they want.
Effective Storytelling in 360o Video – Part 1: What 360o Video Offers

360o Video has been around for about 3 years now, maybe even 4 if you’re in the visual industry and had the budget to start early.
How to make the best choice of Camera for low budget filmmaking & video

With Summer here, the itch to start making films grabs us again. As a filmmaker, I often get asked around this time what is the best camera to buy?
7 Top tips when colour correcting your video

The one thing you never think of or notice when watching a video is color. When you watch something that doesn’t have good color balance you notice it.
7 Easy tips to get your video production Looking better

So many things have to come together in a video production for you, to ensure that your new video looks the best it can be.
Top tips if you want to do low to no budget video editing

When you specialize in any field you will inevitably get people, friends, family or strangers asking you for advice on something to do with that field.
4 things you need to do and think about when lighting for a corporate video: Filmmaking 102

One of the hardest but secretly easiest thing to do is to light for a corporate video. In this piece we’ll look at 4 things you should remember.
6 Thoughts on Running a Live Event on a Shoestring Budget

I recently had the opportunity and pleasure as a freelancer to be part of a very small team that ran a Global Live Streamed Event.
6 Tips for Filming a Live Speaker with 1 Camera!

Here are 6 easy tips for capturing your Speaker at your live event if you are strapped for resources and only have 1 camera available.