Why a shorter work week needs an engagement reframing

This topic of a shorter work week has been around since before the pandemic and it’s been a hot topic during and after.
The value of a background & motivational exploration for a project

In this piece we explore what you need to do and what questions you need to ask when researching your company’s background and motivations.
Why using a Company Exploration session is key when starting a new project

In this piece we look at what a Company Exploration session is and what questions you should ask when developing your gamification project.
Emerging as a team after Quarantine

In this piece, we look at what you will need to do in order to ensure that your team emerges effectively from the quarantine.
Can we add fun to teams through ‘games’?

In the piece, I look at how we can add fun to teams through ‘games’? Using gamification and in part with a focus on teams working remotely.
Why active group learning is good & team-building exercises often aren’t

Team-building experiences can be extremely useful tools to motivate & empower your participants but you need to know how to do it the right or it wont work.
Getting buy-in from the self-professed non-gamers

In this piece we look what you need to do be able to get as much buy-in as possible for your game experience from self-professed non-gamers.
How role-playing games can help teach business & leadership

Looking at how role-playing games and experiences can be used as business & management tools, to help develop and practice leadership and teamwork skills.
How Role-Play simulations help motivate your learners: A continuation

Role-play simulations can be very effective gamified tools to incorporate and create fun & applicable environments for participant learning.
The rise of eSports and how you should be involved

This is a slightly shorter piece for you about something I’ve enjoyed for the past few years & has become more & more prominent in the public eye; eSports.