The need for soft skills training and gamification

As our lives become more unpredictable, the business world has a need for soft skills training and gamification, so that people stay creative
The shadow of gamification

There have been articles on the dark side of gamification, why it’s a bad idea and so on. But we need to consider what good it can do.
How to deal with imposter syndrome using Gamification

In this weeks piece we explore how concepts in gamfiication, such as intrinsic motivation mechanics can help with overcoming imposter syndrome
The Rise and Re-birth of the Anti-Goal

In this piece, we look at the concept of the anti-goal, how it allows you to break down a goal and develop a better strategy for that goal.
‘Game Saves’, Save the World

In this piece we look at how gaming and games are helping save the world, by people taking a healthy interest in gaming online with each other
Can we add fun to teams through ‘games’?

In the piece, I look at how we can add fun to teams through ‘games’? Using gamification and in part with a focus on teams working remotely.
A gamified approach to managing your employees remotely

In this piece we look at how managers can go about creating a player journey to support their employees and teams when working remotely.
Remote working and how you can use Gamification with it

In this piece, we explore how to go about working remotely, what the benefits are & best practices, while adding a bit of gamification to it.
7 steps to improving your life through gamification sprinting

In this article we look at how design sprint methodologies can be used to develop a framework to help you with improving your life.
4 points on how to improve your life with gamification

In this first piece, we explore the initial elements required to develop a plan to improve your life through gamified prototyping.