
We help you craft engaging experiences so that your audience is no longer a Stranger

– Choose your experience –



I’m Albert van der Meer and I am æStranger.

I’m here to help you improve and increase engagement with your audiences. Together we will power-up your business and brand, using techniques and methods from gamification, marketing, behavioural psychology and business strategy.

æStranger is primarily focused on improving audience engagement, but I also offer team-oriented learning experiences and workshops on gamified marketing solutions.

I’m a long time producer,  facilitator, consultant, and I’m also the co-author of Press Start – Using Gamification to Power-up Your Marketing available on Amazon, which was shortlisted for Business Book of the Year Award for 2020.

I have also developed a fundamentals course in Audience Engagement & Experience Design, for those who want to learn the foundations of engaging with their target audience.

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Before you go and grab your copy of Press Start, would you like your free White Paper on how to better engage your audience and other bonuses?

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