The metaverse & the issue with audience engagement
This piece is more of a discourse on the metaverse, it’s incarnation, the issues it has and faces and how audience engagement fits in.
Community engagement & the gap left by religious connection
In this piece we explore community engagement and how this used to be done through religious connection, but needs something else.
Super-mechanics for engaging your audience: Item collection
In this piece we look at the super-mechanic item collection, what it is and how we can use it to increase engagement with our audiences.
Why engaging your audience is an interdisciplinary adventure
In this opinion piece I explore the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach. How it works for my profession and how it can work for others.
What are Heuristics?
In this piece we look at what heuristics are, how to use them, when they are good and when they are used badly.
Crafting Personas & FABELs from Scratch
In this piece we look at how to reframe persona creation into crafting FABELs for more effective applicability in targeting audiences.
How to engage with selling
This piece looks at how to change your perspectives on sales and marketing, thereby improving your chances and opinions on both.
How to make your Goals EPICQ
In this post we explore how to make your goals EPICQ, by changing your mindset and language to help you get more out of your goals.
Are you (not) engaged?
This post is essentially a press release on what has been happening with aeStranger and what can be expected in the future.
Are you (not) amused? An explorative series on how & what engages people
In this piece I look at what questions and criteria would be used when analysing how a person or company engage their audience.