How to gamify your life and discover your true strengths

Let’s tackle with you, a way to gamify your life by creating a journey and go on a search to discover your strengths and weaknesses!
Do Games and Gamification really make you more intelligent?

Many people believe that anything to with games shows a lack of intelligence. This is UNTRUE, games can actually help you become more intelligent!
How effective goal creation can actually gamify your life

Goal creation or setting goals is something you always hear in businesses, schools, or at the start of a new year. But they hardly work, let’s change that!
The world needs more compassion, and games can help you with that!

You may have noticed in the media nowadays that the world is becoming a little bit harsher with every passing day. Compassion, caring, and empathy…
Can gaming & VR help you with combatting traumatic experiences?

Trauma affects a great many people in a variety of ways, but can gaming and VR experiences help with treating these traumatic experiences?
Why playing games actually makes you more social

The debate about whether games are social or not has been going on for decades. The question of whether gaming isolates people or brings people together.
Games can help You and those with Autism and Asperger’s

There is a group that can benefit the most from engaging with games are those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and their family and friends.
How Discovery Can Help You Better Understand Motivation

Exploring and discovering is how we learn, storytelling can help you to understand how discovery can help motivate us to do new things.
7 Thing You Need to Know About Knowledge Scarcity in Gameful Design

When thinking about what motivates people when developing your ideas around narrative and gamification, one very important concept is scarcity of knowledge.