Suspension of disbelief in game-based experiences

Ever been in an experience and believed everything? That’s suspension of disbelief, buying into something so completely that all else is ignored.
How role-playing games can be used as therapeutic tools

Looking at how role-playing games and experiences can be used as therapeutic tools, to help develop and practice social skills and communication.
Game Tools: The power of purpose & narrative to engage players

This week’s game tools; we come to our final set, those that revolve around purpose & the use of narrative to create context for your players.
Game tools: Belonging and its need for successfully engaging players

Belonging and being part of something is one of the strongest motivators that you can use to engage your players in your game or the gamified environment.
Game Tools: Using value and loss avoidance to engage players

In this part of the game tools series, we’ll be looking at value & loss avoidance. Please do check out any of the previous game tools blogs.
Game tools: Using mastery mechanics to engage your players

This week lets look at how mastery mechanics can help engage your players. The tools have been split into different aspects, but they all work together
Game tools: Using exploration and decision-making to engage players

In this piece we’ll have a look at exploration and decision-making, and how these can be used to engage your players in your game or gamified experience.
Game Tools: Using randomness and the illusion of control

The first of these game tools is the usage of randomness or unpredictability in games and the illusion of control to keep players engaged.
Gamifying life: How you can beat shyness & social anxiety

A great many people suffer from shyness & social anxiety. Perhaps using gamification to enable change in your life can help you overcome these challenges.
How consequences can positively motivate you and those around you

Consequences, as well as rewards, are great motivators, we need to remember this and remember to use both as effectively as we can.